DES Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

Car Rider Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Posted on 08/11/2020
Car Rider Information

Dewar Elementary Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

For parents dropping off and picking up their children, please observe the following procedures to ensure promptness and safety. If you need to make different pick-up arrangements (bus or car riders), please send a note in the morning with your child. Do not call the office, text, email, or send a message through Remind or Class Dojo to the teacher to make changes for pick-up. Teachers may be absent or might not have an opportunity to check their email or cell and could miss your request.

Morning Drop-Off 7:30 a.m. - 7:55 a.m.


All cars will enter the designated drop-off area and pull all the way to the front. Students are to remain in their cars until the school bell sounds at 7:30. Parents should not get out of their cars for any reason. We need to move the line quickly so that working parents can get to work on time.

Students eating breakfast will go directly to the lunchroom and teachers will be there to assist them in picking up breakfast and returning to their classrooms. Students who are not eating breakfast will go directly to their hall/classroom. Students will be supervised in their hallway until their teachers are in the classroom (by 7:40).

The gate will be closed at 7:55 when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in the drop-off area before the gate is closed, you will need to park in the field of Pecan trees across from the office, walk across the bridge, driveway and enter the school with your child and get a tardy slip. Students with tardy slips will go directly to their classrooms. Students must be dropped off prior to 7:55 to eat breakfast. 


Afternoon Pick-Up 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

The gate will remain locked until 2:30. Once unlocked cars may begin entering and lining up.

  • The first car should pull all the way forward to the designated stopping point.

  • Pull up as far as possible to the car in front of you. DO NOT stop anywhere other than right behind the car in front of you.

  • You MUST have a placard that is visible to the caller to be able to pick up a child in the car pick-up line. NO STUDENT will be released without a placard. Placards are available in the front office. Once your student is in the car, please remove placard, this signifies that your child is in the car.

  • Please refrain from using cell phones in the car line while students are being dismissed.

  • Once student call has been initiated, vehicles WILL NOT be allowed to leave the line. All loaded cars will be dismissed in an orderly fashion.

  • If your child needs to re-enter the school after being picked up, parents will need to park in the pecan field across from the office and walk in with them.

Please follow these procedures to help us maintain safe and secure drop-off and pick-up process.

Thank you for your help and let’s have a great year at DES!